“Wow!”, “Finally!”. Many are those at CERMEL who express themselves in such terms, at the approach of the end-of-year festivities. One could see in it a sign of relief, after many months spent on the road, in the office or various laboratories, at the bedside of patients suffering from diseases endemic to Gabon and more generally, in a tropical climate.
Christmas, that time of good will, even if short-lived, relieves us of the daily hassle of human work, its stressful demands, as well as the eternal concern to give the most of ourselves. Announced the week before the event, the “Arbre de Noel” (in its second edition) was very timely in this context, characterised by continuous effort on the part of research centre staff. A reward therefore, but also (don’t doubt it), an additional opportunity to be once more with family, amidst friends and colleagues, at an event marked by a spirit of conviviality.
Yes, everyone was there. To be precise, not every single member of staff, but all groups were represented: whether clinicians, technicians and similar staff, or support staff. Presents were distributed to the children, by Father Christmas himself! Who, for the occasion, was attired in the garb of his profession (white beard, red & white tunic, black boots, etc.). It was a lovely party and will certainly remain an unforgettable memory for the children and adults who took part.